Monday, May 13, 2019

Find percentage , IF and Nested IF function.

                                           (Complete Video)

In this lecture, we will learn how to find Percentage (%), IF function, and nested if ( ).
First, we will calculate the percentage of students, that is very simple just write the formula
In the Formula bar and copy it in all cells by dragging it as described in the previous lecture.
Let us see how? Select the cell where to write the percentage.
= Total Marks obtained /total marks * 100, we will give a reference for “Total marks obtained”
 That is cell H4. We will write the formula as seen in the formula bar.

Press enter then copy this formula to other cells by dragging.
Now we will calculate the grades of each student on the basis of the percentage, for example, A, B, C, or Fail
Now write this formula   
 =IF (i4>80,"A",IF(i4>70,"B",IF(i4>40,"C","Fail")))
In the formula bar for grades. Drag it to copy in other cells.

It will look like this

Now check the logical condition.  Is it OK?

Microsoft Excel tips and tricks.

Microsoft Excel tips and tricks.

In this lecture, we will learn some basic tips for Microsoft Excel.
   How to write
           1-  Number series
           2-  Names of months
           3-  Name of weekdays etc

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Microsoft Excel Tutorial part 2

Microsoft Excel Tutorial
                                 (Complete Video Lecture)

In this lecture, we will learn how to sum different values by just adding values in columns and then we will use the formula of sum ().

Now we will find the Total numbers of each student. There are two ways to sum the numbers one is simply adding and the other is with the help of a formula.
First, we will add the respective cell values the first cell is  C4 second is D4 up to G4. As below
we will write this in the formula bar as shown below

Then press enter and drag below to copy the formula to the remaining cells.

Now suppose we have hundreds of cells to add, this method will not appropriate. Then we will use Sum() functions (Formula).that is very simple just write the function and give the range of cells to add
As given below

The formula is  
                  =Sum (first cell: last cell)
That is
                    =Sum (C4: G4)
Now just drag it to apply to other cells. It will add values from column C4 to G4.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Introduction to Microsoft Excel

Introduction to Microsoft Excel
                        (Introduction and setting of MS Excel)              

In this lecture, I will cover the following topics.

      1-    What is Excel?
      2-    Understanding and customize
       Main menu (Quick access toolbar, Tabs and Ribbons)
      3-    Main interface of the MS Excel.
      4-    Customize the Excel environment.

1- What is MS Excel?

Microsoft Excel is spreadsheet software, is used to record and analyse numerical data. It is a collection of columns and rows that form a table. Alphabetical letters are assigned to columns and numbers are assigned to rows. The intersection point of a column and a row is called a cell. The address of a cell is given by the letter representing the column and the number representing a row.

2- Understanding the main menu.

The Quick Access Toolbar contains a set of commands that are independent of the tab on the ribbon. We can move the Quick Access Toolbar from top to below to the ribbon, and we can add or remove buttons that represent commands on the Quick Access Toolbar.
Click on the arrow just right to the quick access toolbar as mentioned.we can add or remove menu items by clicking on the arrow, a drop-down menu will open. Here we can select required menu items and unselect menu items that we do not want to appear on the toolbar. selected items will be shown on Quick Access Toolbar

If we click on More Commands the following window will appear and can further customize the Quick Access Toolbar by adding more menu items as desired.

Here we can add more commands to the Quick Access Toolbar from left box .

Customize Ribbons.
Go to file tab in main menu and then click on options the following box will appear  select customize Ribbon as shown we can add more tabs and costomize ribbon as desired.

From this excel options box, we can customize whole excel options as given in left-most box in the above figure. i.e General, Formulas Proofing, save, Language, Advance etc.
3-Main  interface of excel spread sheet.

                                                                    Download Exercise