Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How to SUM ,SUMIF and SUMIFS Functions/Formulas in MS Excel.

SUM Function / Formula in Excel
In the SUM function, we can add values, can add individual values, cell references or ranges, or all three.
For example

=SUM (D2: D12) Adds the values in cells D2 to D12.

=SUM(D2, D6, D5, D7, D8, D10, D11)  will Add the values in selected cells against the years 2016 and 2017 only as shown in the figure below. We can add any value from any cell just give the reference of the cell. For example =SUM(D2,F4,G6,H9 and so on 

SUMIF() Function/Formula.
We use the SUMIF formula to sum the values in a range that meets specific criteria. Suppose that column B has Sales values yearly, the Formula for SUMIF is as follows
SUMIF(Range, Criteria, Sum-Range)
There are three arguments in the SUMIF formula.
The first argument is Range
The range of cells that we want to set as criteria. Cells in each range must be numbers, names, and references that contain numbers. Blank and text values will be ignored. 
    The criteria in the form of a number, expression, cell reference, or text, For example, criteria can be expressed as any number, number with  <,>  or = with double quotes “” for example  “>2019” “<2019 =>2019 or any text with, "Ali", or date()  or function of date for example  today()
This argument is Optional. The actual cells to add, if we want to add cells other than those specified in the range argument. If the (sum range) argument is left, then Excel adds the cells that are specified in the range argument.
In the following table, we want to sum year-wise sales that are in different columns First we Will calculate sales for the year 2016. Here range will be column A which is Year. The criteria are 2016 and the Sum range is column B which is Sales.

Similarly we can use criteria such as ">2016" or "<2018"
The formula will be like this 
 this will calculate sales against the year greater than 2016.

 and similarly, this will calculate sales against years less than 2018

          =SUMIFS() Function / Formula.

SUMIFS function is used to sum cells that meet multiple criteria.
Criteria may be numbers logical operators <, >, =, Dates, and Names.
 =SUMIFS(sum-range, criteria-range1, criteria1, criteria-range2, criteria2, and so on ...)
First of all select range to be added then select the range for criteria.
    For example, we want to add Sales of TV in January. The column we want to add is sales i.e. column D.  It will be our add range. First criteria-range that is Items and Criteria is =Tv, The Second Criteria-range that is Month column B, which is =Jan.
Now formula will be 
=SUMIFS(D2:D12, E2:E12,"=Tv",B2:B12,"=Jan")


The result of Formula will be as below.

Now try this formula for three criteria that are

 “Sales of Tv by Imran in Jan” In this formula, we will add Sales for TV by Imran in the Month of January. The formula will be like this.
=SUMIFS(D2:D12, E2:E12,"=Tv",B2:B12,"=Jan",C2:C12,"=Imran")
          Use it now.

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